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    CO2 Datasheet
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    Permedia CO2 Datasheet

    Content: PDF document

    Carbon capture and storage is increasingly becoming a factor in the E&P regulatory environment. Companies need to prospect for storage sites, and then evaluate both the short-term risks and long-term fate of stored CO2.

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      Hydrocarbons, Geoscience & The Energy Transition
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      Hydrocarbons, Geoscience & The Energy Transition

      Content: Presentation

      Geoscientists have a crucial role to play through the energy transition. Hydrocarbons will continue to be a major part of the energy mix for decades to come. Needed to sustain the energy demands of a growing, healthier and wealthier global population.

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        The Exploration Workflow
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        The Exploration Workflow

        Content: PDF workflow document

        Subsurface insights into the modern frontier exploration workflows for conventional resources. The workflow requires the exploration geoscientist to evaluate the geological history of the basin or region they are studying.

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          Exploration Handbook
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          Neftex Exploration Handbook

          Content: Downloadable e-book

          A subject matter expert associated with Halliburton has written each article, capturing a short history of the technique being discussed, the principles by which it works, and highlighting situations were employment of the technique could be valuable.