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RPS Supports the UK Center for Masters Training - Energy Transition

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RPS Supports the UK Center for Masters Training - Energy Transition
by Site Administration - Tuesday, 15 June 2021, 1:49 PM

The Energy Transition is accelerating at a rapid pace. These exciting times call upon us to meet the challenges of a changing global energy mix. What will this new energy mix look like? How do we proactively prepare to fill the skills gap in geoscience and engineering required by these changes? The UK Energy Transition Centre for Masters’ Training (CMT) will provide solutions by developing the talent needed to embrace and implement innovative technologies across the spectrum of energy types. The UK has a long, distinguished history of providing petroleum geoscience and engineering graduates, alumni of which are working across all levels of the energy sector worldwide. Building on these foundations, the CMT will be a leader in this period of change, fulfilling the need for the next generation of world-class geoscientists. Before discussing the mission statement of the CMT, let’s step back to take a perspective on the principal drivers behind the Energy Transition. Read more about how RPS is supporting this initiative in the attached pdf.